34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society

6-8 Oct 2023

6th-8th October 2023

Sabah International Convention Centre
Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) 2010 MALAYSIA

Please read carefully the text below and then indicate your consent.


Malaysian Oncological Society, who is the Organiser of 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) and Conference Partners Sdn Bhd are required to comply with the GDPR which regulates the processing of personal data in commercial transactions. For the purpose of the above laws, the terms “personal data” and “processing” shall have the meaning as prescribed in the GDPR and PDPA.

For purposes of clarity, we interpret herein below the meaning of “personal data”, pursuant to Section 4 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (PDPA):-

“personal data” means any information in respect of commercial transactions, which:-

  (a) is being processed wholly or partly by means of equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose;
  (b) is recorded with the intention that it should wholly or partly be processed by means of such equipment; or
  (c) is recorded as part of a relevant filing system or with the intention that it should form part of a relevant filing system,
that relates directly or indirectly to a data subject, who is identified or identifiable from that information or from that and other information in the possession of a data user, including any sensitive personal data and expression of opinion about the data subject;
The 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) will be managed by Conference Partners Sdn Bhd as the Professional Conference Organiser appointed by the Organiser and their scope of services includes, among others, administrative work, speakers, abstracts and participants management, financial management, sponsorship and exhibitors management including promotion and marketing.

For the purpose of the above laws, the terms “we”; “us” or “our” refers to Conference Partners Sdn Bhd as the data controller, collector, processor and user whose address is presented below:

Conference Partners Sdn Bhd
9, Jalan 9/3, Section 9,
46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : +603 7931 2856
Email : connect@medicalconferencepartners.com
Contact Person : Dee Dee Quah
  The personal data collected by Conference Partners Sdn Bhd is taken when you register as a participant, faculty or committee of the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) and includes information you provide directly to us which may include, but is not limited to:
  • Your name;
  • Nationality;
  • Gender;
  • Passport number;
  • Designation (Position);
  • Office address;
  • Office phone;
  • Office fax number;
  • Mobile phone number;
  • Your Email address;
  • In case of Emergency – preferred contact person’s name, and phone number;
  • Accompanying person’s name;
  • Name badges with Quick Response (QR) code;
  • Dietary requirements;
  • Biography;
  • Digital identity (photo);
  • Images and videos of you attending the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) and
  • Data we derive through your interaction with us.
Therefore, it is to be noted that none of the above-mentioned personal data, falls within the ambit of “sensitive personal data” as prescribed by the PDPA 2010.

We’ll only use your personal information for our legitimate business purposes as set out in this privacy notice.  The personal data collected and processed by the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) amongst others, are for the following purpose.

  (a) Registration and administrative work related to the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS)
  • Programmes;
  • Seminars;
  • Workshops;
  • Abstracts;
  • Tax invoices;
  • Official receipts;
  • Promotions;
  • Updates;
  • Electronic Newsletters, flyers or notices;
  • Certificates of attendance;
  • Certificates of appreciation;
  • Awards;
  • Grants;
  • Scholarships related to the event;
  • Welcome Reception;
  • Appreciation Dinner;
  • Gala Dinner;
  • Social programmes;
  • Invitation letters for visa applications;
  • Attendees’ list;
  • To manage our relationship with you or comply with our contractual obligations
  (b) To communicate with you by Electronic mail and phone calls on:
  • All the above matters related to the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS)
  • Enquiries by or about you;
  • Complaints by or about you;
  • All administrative and legitimate matters related to the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS).

The personal data held by us shall be kept confidential and is secured and protected. However, we may disclose your personal data to:

  • Malaysian Oncological Society
  • Parties authorised by you in writing;
  • 3rd party vendors and analytics services;
  • Regulatory and governmental agencies as permitted or required by law, or to meet obligations to regulatory authorities.

The security of your personal data is ensured by the Secretariat and Organiser of the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) and we shall take all physical, technical and organisational measures needed to ensure the security and confidentiality of your personal data.

If we disclose any of your personal data to any entities in paragraph 5, we will require them to appropriately safeguard the personal data provided to them.

Please note that while we will endeavor to take all reasonable measures to protect your Personal Data by implementing strong passwords, updating and backing up our programs regularly, secure laptops, manage who has access to the data and educate our employees, we propose that you should similarly take all necessary precautions, such as implementing strong passwords, limiting access to your computer and avoid misplacing any documents or access passwords.
  6.1. Breach Of Data Security
    Conference Partners Sdn Bhd will notify you and data protection authorities within 72 hours upon discovering a security breach.

We intend to keep your personal data from the date of collection for as long as it is necessary for the fulfillment of the legitimate purposes as set out under paragraph 3 and 4 above or for the compliance with the law or any legal and regulatory obligation.

We shall stop processing or store your data when you write to us officially using the contact details listed below to withdraw your consent or within seven (7) years from conclusion of the 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS).

We may need to keep certain information for reasonable and legitimate business or legal purposes (e.g. accounts information, unsubscribe records, information needed to prevent identity theft, legal disputes and misconduct) even if deletion has been requested.

Under the GDPR and PDPA, you have the right to access your personal data to ensure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate, complete, not misleading and up to date. If you wish to exercise such rights and request access to your personal data, please contact us, Conference Partners Sdn Bhd at:

Conference Partners Sdn Bhd
9, Jalan 9/3, Section 9,
46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : +603 7931 2856
Email : connect@medicalconferencepartners.com
Contact Person : Dee Dee Quah

Kindly acknowledge the Declaration Statement below after you have read and understood the Privacy Notice and you consent to the processing of your personal data by the Organiser 34th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society 2023 (34th ASCOMOS) and Conference Partners Sdn Bhd.