35th Annual Scientific Congress of Malaysian Oncological Society

26th-28th September 2025  |  Persada Johor International Convention Centre
26-28 Sept 2025
Persada Johor International Convention Centre
Free conference registration is provided for all accepted abstract
Important Dates
Abstract submission open 1 March 2025
Abstract submission closing To be announced
Abstract result announcement To be announced
Presenter final confirmation To be announced

Submission Process
  1. All abstracts must be submitted via the congress website https://ascomos.com/
  2. Select presentation type: Poster Presentation or Oral Presentation
  3. Refer to the deadline table above

Submit an Abstract Today

Abstract Structure
  1. All abstracts must be submitted in English with accurate grammar and spelling.
  2. Abstracts containing previously presented data are eligible for submission. However, inclusion of updated data is encouraged
  3. The abstract title is limited to 150 characters including spaces.
  4. The abstract title must be entered in UPPER CASE (e.g. “COMMON BLEEDING DISORDERS”).
  5. The abstract text is limited to 300 words.
  6. The following structure must be followed when submitting an abstract:
    • Font size: 12.
    • Font Type: Times New Roman.
    • No table or illustrations allowed.
    • Spacing and Alignment: Single spacing and justified fields.
    • If the abstract contains identifiers e.g. name of hospital in the text body, the authors need to underline them in order for the secretariat to omit them when it is sent for evaluation
Abstract Authorship & Limitation
  1. Authors may be an author or co-author on any number of abstracts.
  2. The Submitting Author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submitting.
  3. Upon submission, the submitting author confirms that the abstract has been proofread and that all information is correct.
  4. The abstract cannot be modified or corrected after final submission
  5. Accepted abstract will be communicated through email on 30 June 2025

Withdrawal of abstracts

If the first author wishes to withdraw his/her abstract from ASCOMOS 2025 after outcome notifications have been made available, he/she must submit a written request within forty-eight (48) hours to ASCOMOS via email. Any withdrawal requests made after 48 hours cannot be assured of removal from the ASCOMOS 2025.

Other Information required During Submission
  • The following details for EACH co-author, including the submitting author is required:
    • Full first and family name(s)
    • Preferred title (e.g. “Dr.”, “Prof”, “Assoc Prof”, etc.)
    • Designations (e.g. “PhD”, “DDS”, “MD”, etc.)
    • Affiliations including the department, institution/hospital, city, state (if relevant), and country (e.g. “Department of Psychology, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan”)
  • Keywords for the abstract